10 Best Starbucks Hazelnut Coffee Drinks  

Starbucks (obviously) gets a lot of things right when it comes to rich, flavorful, and sometimes exotic coffee options – but if there’s one thing that they really hit right out of the park, better than any other “quick stop” coffee place, it has to be there hazelnut coffee drinks.


Almost criminally indulgent, luxurious, and always brimming with legitimate hazelnut flavors (not some cheap chemical knockoff) Starbucks hazelnut drinks are always level.


At the same time, though, a lot of the very best Starbucks hazelnut coffee drinks (drinks available at pre-much every Starbucks under the sun) are hidden away on the legendary Starbucks secret menu.


Below we breakdown the 10 best Starbucks hazelnut coffee drinks you can request by name, some of them available on the menu all the time – but others part of the secret menu we just mentioned a moment ago.


Let’s dig right in, Shelley question mark


The 10 Best Starbucks Hazelnut Coffee Drinks


Betty White Frappucino


Named after the beloved Hollywood superstar and a real icon of the entertainment world, a Betty White Frappucino is something you have to try for yourself – maybe the most perfect example of just how well Starbucks does hazelnut coffee drinks.


The Betty White is part of the “secret menu” and uses the white mocha frappucino as the base and foundation. A single pump of hazelnut coffee flavor and another pump of vanilla syrup takes this already pretty luxurious drink to a new level of decadence.


This fan favorite gets rounded off with caramel crunch topping added into the mix.


You are going to love it!


Blonde Hazelnut Latte


Perhaps the most popular of all the hazelnut coffee drinks from Starbucks, this is a Starbucks menu staple as soon as the leaves begin to change in the weather gets a little cooler (though it is available all year round).


This coffee drink starts off with perfectly (but likely) roasted soft and mild blonde espresso coffee from Starbucks. It’s not going to be quite as bold or have as much “bite” as some of the more intensely roasted coffee from Starbucks, but it’s not going to disappear into the drink at the same time.


A little bit of milk, little bit of hazelnut syrup (just add that punch of flavor but also to add some sweetness) finishes things off nicely.


Best of all, the blonde hazelnut latte from Starbucks works just as well as a hot beverage as it does as a cold beverage.


Blueberry Muffin Frappuccino


If your idea of a perfect fall morning starts off with a hazelnut coffee and a blueberry muffin why not take things to the next level and combine the two together?


The blueberry muffin frappucino from Starbucks begins its life as a large vanilla bean frappucino. To that Starbucks baristas add in either a single pump of hazelnut or a double if you’re looking to really spice things up a bit.


A handful or two of fresh blueberries are added and then the drink is blended together. It’s finished off after being topped with just a bit of fresh whipped cream, some caramel crunch topping, and a splash of whole fresh blueberries, too.


French Toast Frappuccino


Another fan favorite from the “secret Starbucks menu”, you’re going to fall head over heels in love with a French toast frappucino the very first time you give it a try.


This beverage begins with a café vanilla frappucino that has been spiced up with a bit of fresh sweet cream.


A single (or double) pump of cinnamon dolce syrup makes this a little more decadent, but that’s followed up with another pump of hazelnut syrup to really push this into French toast territory.


You always have the option of adding some cinnamon dolce powder or caramel crunch topping as well!


Golden Girls Frappuccino


While not quite as rich in hazelnut flavor as the Betty White frappucino, the Golden Girls frappucino is nothing to turn your nose up at if you are a hazelnut coffee fan.


This secret menu request begins as a white mocha frappucino, something that Starbucks does better than absolutely anyone else.


A double pump of hazelnut syrup gets mixed in, followed by a single pump of vanilla syrup, and then a little bit of caramel crunch topping is added to the coffee drink – with maybe a bit of whip cream if you’d like – rounding out this Golden Girls special.


Hazelnut Bianco Latte


Lattes really helped to put Starbucks on the map and the baristas that work here are well-trained to produce smooth, flavorful, and undeniably rich lattes better – and faster – than almost anybody else in the coffee business today.


A hazelnut bianco latte starts off as a traditional Starbucks latte (with hazelnut coffee as the base, of course) with a little bit of milk and espresso thrown into the mixture.


Lots of folks like to use cinnamon dolce syrups, vanilla syrups, caramel crunch toppings, and with cream to finish this drink off. But that’s up to you and you can go wild customizing this with your order.


Hazelnut Blanco Latte


A hazelnut blanco latte is a bit different than the one we just mentioned a moment ago, this time using hazelnut praline infused milk as a centerpiece ingredient compared to the traditional milk and espresso used in Starbucks lattes.


If you are on the hunt for a really decadent, really luxurious, and really indulgent hazelnut coffee drink from Starbucks this is the one to order.


A big part of the appeal of this beverage is the use of Reserve Espresso Starbucks coffee. This isn’t something that’s going to use “everyday” Starbucks espresso, but instead a select reserve espresso for these kind of high-end beverages.


Just be warned, though, that this latte is going to pack a caffeine punch.


We are talking about a beverage that’s going to deliver at least 135 mg of caffeine per cup – enough to wake you up in the morning, but you might not want to have a second.


Hazelnut Malt Frappuccino


This is easily one of the 10 best Starbucks hazelnut coffee drinks on the list, and one that folks that are a big fan of hazelnut and vanilla combos are going to fall head over heels in love with the very first time they give it a try.


A vanilla bean frappucino acts as the base for this drink, with two hazelnut syrup pumps added into the mix. Ask for a bit of nutmeg powder as well to elevate the flavor combination.


If you want to bring a little more vanilla flavor to the mix don’t be shy about asking for vanilla bean powder to be added as well. Another scoop (or two) balances out the flavors a bit if you’re looking for something that isn’t quite as hazelnut forward.


Hazelnut Mocha Coconutmilk Macchiato


Nutella fans practically swarm Starbucks for this menu option, a coffee that seems like it was engineered in the lap to go with Nutella.


The drink is also a huge hit with vegans, one of their best-selling 100% vegan options in fact – and a cornerstone of the fall time menu.


Two shots of espresso, hazelnut syrup, mixed in with a bit of milk or cream make this a foolishly simple and straightforward beverage to make as well.


Best of all, you can order this coffee hot or iced – it’s totally up to you, too.


Shortbread Cookie Frappuccino


Obviously heavily inspired by the best-selling Girl Scout cookies, this shortbread cookie frappucino is not your every day “cup of joe”.


No, this is a rich and luxurious coffee that fans of shortbread cookies, vanilla, and hazelnut go absolutely wild for.


A vanilla frappucino is the backbone ingredient for this drink, with two pumps of hazelnut syrup stirred in. From there, top with a bit of whipped cream and some caramel crunch topping (maybe with a bit of caramel crunch added to the bottom of the cup before the beverages made) and you’ve got something really special on your hands.


Ordering Hazelnut Drinks from the Starbucks Secret Menu


At the end of the day, ordering the 10 best Starbucks hazelnut coffee drinks really is a lot simpler and more straightforward than most people realize – even if a number of these best sellers come directly from the “secret menu”.


If you are going to be ordering from the Starbucks secret menu, though, you’ll want to be sure that you know exactly how to pull it off.


Walking up to a new barista without a ton of experience under their belt and asking for the “Betty White Frappucino” for example probably isn’t going to get you the drink you’re looking for. You’re much more likely to get a blank stare and an ask for more clarification.


It’s a good idea to look up the ingredients for the secret menu drink you want to order ahead of time, keeping them active on your phone (or scribbling yourself a note) so that you can pop into any Starbucks you’d like and ask for the drink that way.


Use the info we shared above to get the hazelnut coffee drinks you’d like to try the next time you go to Starbucks and you’ll be good to go!








16 Best Frozen Drinks from Starbucks  

Though Starbucks is best known for their iconic green mermaid logo and downright delicious hot coffee, the frozen drinks from America’s Neighborhood Café have quickly developed some very passionate fans.


If you’ve been looking to beat the summertime heat (or even dive into a frozen drink to match winter weather) you’ll have plenty of different options to pick and choose from.


Below we highlight our very favorite frozen beverages, maybe the 16 best frozen drinks from Starbucks you can order right now – beverages you want to try the next time you get a craving for something ice cold.


The 16 Best Frozen Drinks from Starbucks


Apple Crisp Frappuccino


The apple crisp frappucino is fantastic for early fall, something frozen to be the late heat waves we sometimes have to deal with while at the same time reminding us that the leaves are going to change in that apple picking season is just around the corner.


This Starbucks frozen drink begins with regular espresso, little bit of extra milk, and then Starbuck’s signature spiced apple sauce. The whole thing is topped with freshly cubed up apples, freshly crumbled caramel apples, and just a touch of brown sugar.


If you are on the hunt for the ultimate frozen fall drink from Starbucks, this is it!


Cafe Vanilla Frappuccino


A staple of the Starbucks autumn menu, you really can’t go wrong with a café vanilla frappucino.


Maybe not the most complex of all the different frozen beverages you can order from Starbucks (especially those from the “secret menu”), this drink is a mainstay on the autumn menu for a reason – it’s downright delicious and almost insanely popular.


The backbone of this frappucino is your pick of Starbucks coffee, some milk or cream, and then a bit of ice. It’s not unusual for the drink to be finished off with fresh whipped cream and a sprinkle of vanilla, either.


Some people like to ramp up the vanilla flavor on this fall time favorite with a pump of vanilla syrup, too. There’s nothing wrong with that!


Caramel Brulé Frappuccino


It’s difficult to imagine a more decadent frozen drink from Starbucks than this, the caramel brulé frappucino.


This is the very definition of an indulgence, not the kind of drink you rely on every morning to wake you up, but definitely a weekday or weekend treat when you’re looking for something a little chilly to drink.


This drink starts off as a vanilla frappucino, gets even more cream or milk mixed in (blended with ice), before being finished off with a whipped cream topping and caramelized sugar – just like you’d find on a traditional crème brûlée dessert.


Get one of these the next time you go to Starbucks. You deserve it!


Caramel Frappuccino


Caramel frappucinos have always been a big part of the Starbucks menu, a fan favorite and a drink beloved by literally millions and millions of people all over the world.


A staple of the autumn menu (something you can get all year round, even), these drinks are so popular that you can even pick them up at grocery stores, department stores, and convenience stores all across the United States – ready to go right out of the bottle.


A sweet (but never cloyingly so) frozen coffee drink, this has an espresso backbone mixed with vanilla ice cream and then a touch of whip cream on the top – always with a pump of caramel syrup, too.


Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino


Caramel fans that want to ramp up the “tried-and-true” caramel frappucino – the one we just mentioned a moment ago – are able to easily take things to the next level with this secret menu option.


This beverage begins as a traditional caramel frappucino, only this time dark caramel sauce gets mixed into the beverage before it gets chilled down with blended ice.


On top of that (literally) caramel flavored syrup is added to a super sweet, crunchy caramel ribbon topping. You can add even more caramel to the mix if you’d like with a bit of sweet caramel sugar, too!


Chestnut Praline Frappuccino


Most people don’t immediately associate frozen beverages with chestnuts, though they are a traditional Christmas time favorite (roasted, anyway).


This is one of the 16 best frozen drinks from Starbucks for a reason, though, and it just might change the way you think about chestnut drinks from here on out.


Brewed up as a hot beverage with lots of chestnut flavor (lots of heat, lots of spice), this drink gets cooled down considerably with the sweetness of milk or cream. It has a rich, almost velvety kind of consistency when it’s finally finished – and then it gets topped off with praline crumble to elevate it even further.


Comfort Brewed Wellness Tea


When you are on the hunt for a frozen beverage from Starbucks but just don’t want the “bump” that coffee delivers – even decaf – it’s not a bad idea to try one of the frozen teas this café has to offer.


This particular frozen beverage, the comfort brewed wellness tea, is a unique take on herbal teas that’ll help calm you down, settle and soothe your mind and your body, and leave you feeling a whole lot better after you finished the beverage than you did when you got started – even if you were feeling pretty good to begin with!


Some people that really love this beverage like to add a bit of frothed milk into the mix, having it blended right into the frozen tea itself. That’s a good way to add a little more decadence to an already fantastic frozen beverage from Starbucks.


Evolution Fresh Juices


Kind of a “grab and go” option from Starbucks cafés, there’s a whole line of frozen Evolution Fresh Juices you can pick and choose from every time you visit a Starbucks location.


These can be a quick fix to beat the summertime heat, with tons of different flavor combos for you to try – all of them as delicious as they are healthy.


Frozen Lemonade


More and more people are beginning to realize just how downright tasty the frozen lemonade Starbucks makes really is.


This used to be a bit of an underground secret (though not something on the secret menu), but word is really starting to get out. Frozen lemonades from Starbucks find a way to strike that perfect balance between sweet and sour.


Don’t be surprised if this drink becomes a “daily driver” for you in the summer.


Iced Passion Tango


This is actually a drink you’ll need to order off of the Starbucks Secret Menu, but it’s definitely well worth the little bit of extra effort.


Iced Passion Tango is a wildly delicious mixture of herbal hibiscus and lemon tea with a bit of frozen lemonade thrown into the mix for little bit of sweet and sour.


It’s incredible!


Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino


This frozen beverage from Starbucks is a bit of a curveball from the traditional mocha frappucino, swapping out the chocolate chips for chocolate syrup.


That might not sound like all that big of a difference on the surface. But somehow, someway, it really changes the flavor and complexion of the drink from top to bottom. Super creamy, super luxurious, and foolishly tasty, don’t be surprised if this quickly becomes one of your favorites.


Peach Tranquility


Another great frozen tea beverage for those that are interested in coffee from Starbucks, Peach Tranquility contains zero calories – yes, you read that right – making this a picture-perfect frozen drink for those that are hunting for something healthy.


Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino


A specialty coffee drink that may not be available all year round, when you can get your hands on a peppermint white chocolate mocha frappucino you want to make sure you don’t miss out.


Peppermint syrup and whipped cream make up the foundation of this chocolate frappucino variant, making this a huge hit around the holidays (for obvious reasons).


Best of all, this drink is a little light in the caffeine department. You can have one or two of them without having to worry about a caffeine buzz.


Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino


We all know that when the leaves start to turn color and the weather begins to get a little chilly pumpkin spice season is right around the corner. This frozen delight brings all of those pumpkin flavors right to the forefront.


Essentially the exact same thing as a pumpkin spice latte, just this time cooled down with crushed ice, most people like to top this with whip cream, a bit of pumpkin spice, and maybe even a touch of cinnamon.


Sugar Cookie Almond Milk Frappuccino


Another holiday hit, this sugar cookie almond milk frappucino almost overnight became one of the best selling nondairy frozen beverages on the menu at Starbucks.


Once you’ve tasted it yourself it’s not hard to understand why, either.


Blonde roast espresso is the foundation of this frozen beverage, with almond milk, little bit of Irish cream cold brew, and then some cocoa powder and vanilla sweet cream foam mixed in as well.


Red and green sprinkles are often added to a whipped cream topping to mark the holidays!


Toasted White Chocolate Mocha Frappuccino


Those that want a creamy, rich, decadent kind of frozen drink that still has a ton of coffee flavor are going to want to ask for a toasted white chocolate mocha frappucino the next time their at a Starbucks café.


Espresso, milk, and whipped cream get mixed together to form the base of this drink, with caramelized white chocolate and mocha added in before the whole thing is blended up with ice and cooled right down.


It’s not hard to fall in love with this frozen Starbucks drink.



Best Starbucks Apple Drinks

Looking for a way to spice up your trips to Starbucks during the autumn season? You’ll be wondering what the best Starbucks apple drinks are!

During the fall season, the Starbucks company not only has an Apple Brown Sugar syrup and topping, but an Apple Juice mixture. These ingredients can be used in some of Starbucks’ more popular official recipes, such as the Caramel Apple Spice and the Apple Brown Sugar Macchiato, but in fan-made recipes like the Apple Martini Rgresher.

In this article, we’ll provide you with a list of the Top 10 Apple Drinks Starbucks can create, both official and unofficial!

What are the Best Starbucks Apple Drinks?

The best apple drinks made by Starbucks are the ones that include those ingredients which just make you think of sweet apples, harvest time, and curling up with a nice drink and getting cozy! These can be found below:

  1. Caramel Apple Spice
  2. Caramel Apple Frappuccino
  3. Peach Apple Lemonade
  4. Spiced Apple Pie
  5. Apple Pie Frappuccino
  6. Caramel Apple Spice Frappuccino
  7. Apple Crisp Macchiato
  8. Apple Chai Latte
  9. Apple Pie a la Mode Frappuccino
  10. Apple Martini Frappuccino

Let’s take a look at not only how to order these beverages, but what goes into them that makes them so delicious when you’re craving apple flavors!

1.   Caramel Apple Spice

The caramel apple spice is unique, not just on this list, but among all of Starbucks’ other recipes no matter what the season! Why, you ask? Because the Caramel Apple Spice doesn’t contain any coffee or tea products!

You may be wondering why a coffee company would create something so out-of-character, but the truth is, the Caramel Apple Spice is Starbucks’ genius take on a traditional Apple Cider drink.

Though it does contain sugar in the form of Cinnamon Dolce syrup and a drizzle of delicious caramel sauce, this beverage has no caffeine! That, and the decadent whipped cream it is topped with, makes the Caramel Apple Spice ideal for kids and adults alike.

The only downside to this drink is that it often comes extremely hot thanks to the juice’s fast-steaming makeup. If you’re not careful, sipping the beverage too quickly through the layer of cool whipped cream can result in a burnt tongue! Remember, baristas will offer you a safer temperature of beverage if you simply ask for “Kids Temp” when ordering!

2.   Caramel Apple Frappuccino

The Caramel Apple Frappuccino is not an official Starbucks recipe, so depending on the experience level of your local baristas, you may have to explain the contents of this delightful drink.

Like all Starbucks Frappuccinos, this beverage is blended up with the consistency and temperature of a slushy, or milkshake. Most Starbucks frapps include Whole Milk, Starbucks’ Frappuccino syrups, and ice, with a coffee roast option included. However, the Caramel Apple Frappuccino is a “cream” Frappuccino, meaning it doesn’t typically receive coffee content.

Instead, the Caramel Apple Frappuccino contains coconut milk instead of Whole Milk. This adds to the light, fruity taste which is essential to making the whole thing remind you of biting into a green apple. That, and the green tea and apple juice you’ll need to ask baristas to include!

Topping the Caramel Apple Frappuccino is caramel drizzle, which matches the caramel sauce added to the beverage. To make this drink dairy-free, all you need to do is request no whipped cream.

3.   Peach Apple Lemonade

Another unofficial favorite Starbucks can craft for you is the Peach Apple Lemonade. Peach Apple Lemonade is much like Starbucks’ other refreshers; it is prepared in a shaker so that the ingredients are thoroughly incorporated and chilled.

Because this drink is not on Starbucks’ menu, order it by asking for a Lemonade in the size of your choice, then ask to add both Peach refresher base and Apple Juice. It is important to note that Starbucks does not actually have a “peach syrup,” so if you’re looking for more of that flavor in your Lemonade, you’ll need to specifically request more of the refresher base!

Otherwise, this fruit-flavored beverage will have equal parts Lemonade, peach tea, and apple juice, making it a sweet enough refresher on it’s own. Don’t forget, though; a barista is happy to add either the Liquid Cane Sugar or Classic Sugar syrup if you’d like it even sweeter!

4.   Spiced Apple Pie

The Spiced Apple Pie used to be a popular off-menu choice at Starbucks. It involved ordering a traditional Caramel Apple Spice, then letting your barista know that you wanted a splash of Hot Passion Tango Herbal Tea added in!

This comined caramel sauce, Cinnamon Dolce syrup, and apple juice with that delightful tang and extra fruity-flavor found in the Passion Tango. However, unfortunately, Starbucks discontinued their Hot Passion Tango Herbal Tea bags in the year 2018.

The good news is, this does not mean that the Spiced Apple Pie is gone forever! Starbucks still sells the Iced brew of their similar Passion Tea. Simply make sure your barista knows you would like a Caramel Apple Spice with “half Steamed Passion Tea” mixed in, and you’ll have your Spiced Apple Pie!

5.   Apple Pie Frappuccino

The Apple Pie Frappuccino used to be one of Starbucks’ more prominent offerings around the holiday season, though it was never officially on the corporate menus! Unlike the hot Spiced Apple Pie beverage above, the Apple Pie Frappuccino is cold, blended, and does not include Passion Tango Tea!

Instead, order the Apple Pie Frappuccino by ordering a cream-based Cinnamon Dolce Frappuccino and asking for it to be made with one part Heavy Whipping Cream and one part Apple Juice to replace the traditional Whole Milk portion of the recipe. Then, simply make sure your barista knows you still want whipped cream and cinnamon dolce powder on the top!

This will leave your Cinnamon Dolce Frappuccino transformed into a richer, more decadent drink with that warm apple flavor that earns it the Apple Pie name! Remember: this recipe does not include any coffee, so if you’d like that changed, let your barista know!

6.   Caramel Apple Spice Frappuccino

Though the name sounds similar to the Caramel Apple Frappuccino, this beverage does not have any green tea. Instead, it is a frozen version of the Apple Cider-type drink, Caramel Apple Spice.

Though this drink is delicious, it is not commonly ordered. Your barista may be able to infer what you’re asking for, but just in case, the drink is made with one part Whole Milk, one part Apple Juice, Cinnamon Dolce syrup, and caramel drizzle! For the best results, request caramel drizzle inside the cup to make sure that sweetness is in every sip. This drink is caffeine-free.

7.   Apple Crisp Macchiato

The Apple Crisp Macchiato is one of the few drinks on this list that Starbucks actually advertises on their menus each fall season! It comes with it’s own syrup and specially-flavored drizzle. The Apple Crisp Macchiato is a layered Espresso beverage which can be ordered iced or hot.

What does “layered” mean? Well, the barista will not stir the drink before offering it to you, meaning the Apple Crisp syrup will rest on the bottom of the cup, covered in milk and topped with Espresso and a cinnamon-apple flavored drizzle.

The benefit of this drink is that it is highly caffeinated and offers a unique experience every sip, with the flavor changing bit by bit as you drink. Altogether, the drink tastes a bit like Apple Jacks or an apple-flavored candy with a hint of coffee.

If you’d like the flavors more fully incorporated, you can ask your barista to stir it, or order it “Upside Down.” This is true of all macchiatos!

8.   Apple Chai Latte

The Apple Chai Latte is not served officially by Starbucks, but if you simply ask for a Chai Latte with half-Apple Juice, half-milk, you’ll have a delicious autumn-flavored twist on the Chai.

Starbucks’ Tazo Chai Tea concentrate is already pretty cinnamon-flavored with a spiced, vanilla-like taste. Adding Apple Juice not only cuts the richness, but adds one more pleasing layer to that experience. You can also order this drink iced!

9.   Apple Pie a la Mode Frappuccino

This rarely-ordered Frappuccino may sound complex, but it’s taste is well worth the ordering process! It is actually very similar to the Caramel Apple Pie Frappuccino, with one notable exception: instead of Heavy Whipping Cream, ask for a Cinnamon Dolce Frappuccino to be made with Starbucks’ Vanilla Sweet Cream and Apple Juice.

The Vanilla Sweet Cream is a milk mixture made with Heavy Whipping cream and lots of vanilla: it is basically liquid ice cream. Adding such a thing to the Apple and Cinnamon Dolce Syrup, with plenty of caramel drizzle and whipped cream makes a very sweet treat!

10.   Apple Martini Frappuccino

Last but certainly not least, the Apple Martini Frappuccino is another secret-menu beverage that works best if you prefer something cold and refreshing in the harvest season.

It requires Starbucks’ Kiwi Starfruit Lemonade Refresher to be ordered, with your choice of Apple Crisp Syrup pumps inside.

 For the best experience, make sure the barista knows that you’d like an additional splash of lemonade concentrate added on top, after the rest of the drink has been shaken up.

Starbucks cuts the lemonade concentrate they use with water for most of their Refreshers; asking for one more splash of that concentrate without the dilution of water will have the effect of freshly-squeezed lemon juice!

One other thing to note: Starbucks’ Kiwi Refresher tea has not been seen on menus during the year 2020 due to a drop in popularity. Though most Starbucks stores still carry the tea bags needed to make the Kiwi Refresher tea, be prepared; they may not have it brewed and ready due to the rarity of people ordering it.

The new Pineapple Tango Refresher base is a good alternative, though it will change the taste a bit!

In Conclusion

In conclusion, Starbucks’ apple ingredients make great seasonal favorites! Some of these are Starbucks’ corporate recipes and can be found on seasonal menus or on the Starbucks app, including Caramel Apple Spice and Apple Crisp Macchiatos. However, if you’re looking for an Apple Martini Frappuccino or an Apple Pie Frappuccino, refer to this list to order!